Revisions to Microclipper Contest Rules


New Technology Foundation


We at the Micromouse Committee hereby inform you of revisions made in the rules of the Microclipper game. (Please click here for new game rules)




It was observed during past games that certain sections of the rules were not fully understood even by game participants. Therefore, we decided to revise the game rules concerning restarting the game and certain other sections, in order to make them easier to understand.


1.       In the past, participants at the restart often found themselves at a loss when faced by choices and a great deal of time was spent on resets (which were counted toward stoppage time in some cases) on many occasions. As a result, the contest dragged on, taking more time than expected. Therefore, revisions have been made as indicated below.


When restarting, cylinders which have come in contact with the microclipper may be removed (No stoppage time will be counted for the duration of removal. Removal will be carried out by the staff.). Removal during the run will not be permitted (same as Rule 4-9).

(4-10 of the Old Rules has been replaced by 4-10 of the New Rules)


2. During last yearfs tournament, due to malfunctions in the mapping function a microclipper continued to move through the maze as it overturned the cylinders it had already turned upside down. The matter was brought to the attention of the committee, which decided to revise the rules concerning discontinuation of a run as below.


According to the past rules, the contestant is allowed to discontinue a run if a malfunction in the microclipperfs run is deemed to have arisen. The scope of this rule has now been expanded to the extent that the gmalfunction in the microclipperfs runh is now read gmalfunctions in the microclipperfs actionsh. A run may now be discontinued if the microclipper overturns the same cylinder more than once, as in the case described above, since such action is considered a gmalfunction in the microclipperfs actions.h


In the past, the contestantfs request to discontinue a run on grounds other than malfunctions in the microclipperfs run was accepted by the committee on condition that all memory concerning the maze would be completely cleared and that cylinders be returned to their original positions. However, as microclippers should be autonomous, participantsf request to discontinue a run on grounds other than malfunctions in the microclipperfs action will no longer be approved.

(4-8 of the Old Rules has been replaced by 4-8 of the New Rules)


3. Rearrangement and unification of sentences

·           The sentences in Paragraph 4-2 have been rearranged (4-2 of the Old Rules has been replaced by 4-2 of the New Rules)

·           In line with the rules of the Micromouse game, the definition of the starting point in the maze has been moved to the section outlining the rules relating to the maze. (2-3 of the New Rules has been added) (4-7 of the Old Rules has been replaced by 4-7 of the New Rules)




*Effective immediately, microclipper games follow the new rules.